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2001-03-19 (Monday, 09:09:04)

In little West Texas farm towns there is (or at least used to be) a class of men who farm mostly by driving around in their pickups and talking to people. They have field hands who drive the tractors, or else they have farms that don't seem to require constant attention. Some of them hang out in the coffee shops, cotton gins, and seed stores. Some of them just drive around, dropping in on people at home or at work any time of the day or night, usually just to waste your time: share a little gossip or maybe pry for some.

People joke about this lifestyle, but it's not generally frowned upon. These men maintain their part of the social fabric, and some conduct a kind of subtle day to day ministry. Life here in these big cities would be better, I think, if there were men who drove around in pickups, dropping in on people who are having a hard time (always the best sources of gossip), and then spreading it around to others who need the cheer and stimulation that a little gossip always provides.; © 2001 Cole Brecheen; All Rights Reserved.