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2001-01-20 (Saturday, 14:38:27)

We had quite the evening last night. Kyle, Amanda, and I left the house on our bikes at about 6:30 and rode all the way to St. John's for the 8:10 showing of Castaway. I should have checked the distance first. It must be six or seven miles, because we didn't get there until 7:50, so we only had about fifteen minutes to gulp down a little supper at the Burgerville across the street from the theater. We sat down just as the movie was starting, though, so the timing worked out. The kids really liked the movie, and so did I. It was a little scary in places, but not enough to traumatize anyone. Kyle kept up a constant running commentary -- "No! Don't eat that!" or "I think he's trying to make a fire." Toward the end, however, Kyle started saying things like "I wish we had brought a car to this movie" or "Maybe we should leave now." So I called Marsha when it was over and asked her to meet us along the route home. She did, but Amanda wanted to keep riding, so Marsha loaded Kyle and his bike up in the van, and Amanda and I continued the ride home. It was a very quiet, very nice.; © 2001 Cole Brecheen; All Rights Reserved.