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2001-01-12 (Friday, 21:15:00)

What a sweet sweet night this has been. At about 4:00 this afternoon it was cool but dry, so I told Amanda that we would wait until 6:00 and then ride our bikes somewhere to eat supper. Of course by 6:00 it was pitch dark, raining, and cold, but both Amanda and Kyle were so excited about the idea of riding our bikes to a restaurant that there was no turning back. So we bundled up and headed out. It turned out to be not so bad at all. The streets were quiet, our jackets kept the rain off, and after just a few blocks it didn't feel cold. We rode a mile or two through mostly residential areas to a warm, cheery restaurant and ate a good supper. Then we came home, took our baths, and read Harry Potter before turning in.; © 2001 Cole Brecheen; All Rights Reserved.